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Here's why there's a massive backlash against 'scented' tampons

Nope. No thank you.

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THROUGHOUT HER LIFE, a woman will spend an unthinkable amount of money on tampons/sanitary towels/feminine products for that time of the month.

Women take certain criteria into account before purchasing tampons — price, brand, size, applicator type.

But generally you expect the tampon to look, smell and work like any other tampon.

It’s a classic formula that really shouldn’t be messed with.


So you can understand why women are a little apprehensive when it comes to ‘scented’ feminine hygiene products.

Nowadays, you can get scented tampons, scented pads and scented panty liners. Indeed, Always promises its scented products come with a “ light, clean scent so you can feel fresh”.

But women are not on board with this.

There’s just something about putting something ‘fragrant’ that close to one of the most sensitive areas of your body that isn’t… right

Aside from everything else, that’s a bad combination of smells

You wouldn’t spray perfume down there, would you?

And since when are vaginas supposed to smell like a bouquet of lilies?

Such products promote the idea that there’s something inherently wrong with the smell of a healthy vagina

Which there categorically isn’t.

Things your vagina should not smell like:

  • Febreeze
  • The inside of a new car
  • A bowl of potpourri
  • Daisies

Things your vagina should smell like:

  • A vagina

Women have lasted thousands of years without needing ‘scented’ products and there hasn’t been a peep — why start now?

Seriously, our priorities are all wrong here.

These Amazon reviews speak for themselves

tamp Source: Amazon

amazon Source: Amazon

On that point about UTIs…

Part of the backlash against scented tampons stems from the fact that they can promote irritation down there and interfere with the pH balance of your lady parts.

To help prevent infections or irritation down there, Cosmopolitan advises women to steer clear of “douching, using vaginal wipes, deodorants, scented bubble bath, or scented tampons or pads”.

Conclusion? Now is the government’s time to shine

You know what to do, guys.

UFC fighter Ronda Rousey had an excellent response to those who say she looks masculine >

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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